Welcome back!! -Okaeri!!-

We had a few customers from France who went to on road trip in Japan. They seemed to have a lot of fun, so I thought I’d share with you…

Featured on the GaijinPot blog!!

written by Yuka Guess what?? We’re very excited to be featured on the GaijinPot Blog!!!!!!! GP writer Victoria booked our van for a weekend trip around Mt.Fuji. Road more about…

Tokyo-Tohoku-Hokkaido round trip🚐

I would like to introduce one of our customers. Sam and Sally from Australia, they went on a road trip for 2.5 months in September, October and November 2019. They…

Japan Camping Car Show 2018

written by Yuka We explores Japan Camping Car Show!!! Japan has cute tiny campervan! Are there like this tiny campervan in your country? 🙂  

Featured on This is Tokyo’s Podcast!

written by Yuka   Konnichiwa!! Hello!! I have been invited to speak on the This is Tokyo Podcast!! I talked about things you need to know before and during the…

8 Best Destinations for Camping in Japan

Forget glamping – for some people, cozy yurts jazzed up with air conditioning and king-sized beds fitted in Egyptian cotton sort of miss the whole point. Sometimes, you want the…

Camping around Mt Fuji

written by Yuka Konnichiwa!! Hello!! It’s getting warmer and winter is almost over! Yes!! The warmer seasons are great for exploring and camping, aren’t they! I have many recommended camping…

How to get to Tokyo from Narita airport

written by Yuka Are you wondering about how to get to Tokyo from Narita airport? Narita Airport is located in Narita City, Chiba, 70km east from downtown Tokyo, and is…

I miss….

Even though I said that Autumn had just started here in Tokyo, since I love summer so much and I start missing it already. (I would just hang out in…

Perfect season for camping

Laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean diam sollicitudin tempor id amet nulla facilisi morbi.

Temple & Hot spring 5 Days

written by Yuka DAY 1 While you’re in Japan, how about learning a bit of the country’s history? Going west from Tokyo about 90km will take you to one of…

Express way in Japan

Let me give you some tips about getting the most out of the express way in Japan. They might me be useful when you go on a road trip! However,…

Mountain & Camping 7 Days

  DAY 1 You’ll most likely spend your first day at the Dōshinomori Camping Grounds. Around 100km west of Tokyo is a village called Dōshi, located in Yamanashi prefecture. This…